TMJ Physical Therapy

What is TMJ?

While commonly known as TMJ, the correct terminology for the condition is called TMD or temporomandibular disorder, which is a common condition that can affect the head, jaw, and upper neck. Patients can experience pain associated with jaw clicking, headaches, and even ear symptoms such as ringing or tinnitus. It can be caused by dental procedures, traumas, stress, and poor biomechanics. 

Although it can be quite painful, it is also usually treatable. Certain exercises and specific manual therapy techniques can help decrease your pain. You will be educated on certain factors that may be contributing to your symptoms. The entire treatment can be provided within the comfort of your home, and you will be given a simple, gentle exercise program to help decrease your pain. 

It can be helpful to talk to your dentist and your physician prior to starting physical therapy so we can collaborate as a team to provide the best outcome for you. If you or your loved one are experiencing these symptoms, please contact us for a phone consultation for more information.